Find and close your next deal in days
Find and close your next deal in days
Spend less time researching and more time closing deals for actively interested accounts. That's the whole reason our platform was built and why it uses AI and machine learning every step of the way.
Spend less time researching and more time closing deals for actively interested accounts. That's the whole reason our platform was built and why it uses AI and machine learning every step of the way.
Find perfect-fit prospects in seconds
Find perfect-fit prospects in seconds
We have so many ways to search! Let our robots analyze your CRM data to find lookalikes of your recently closed deals or best-fit customers. It can also tell you which verticals you perform best in and suggest new markets to try. But maybe you know that a particular word is core to their business. You can search for that in our Keywords.
We have so many ways to search! Let our robots analyze your CRM data to find lookalikes of your recently closed deals or best-fit customers. It can also tell you which verticals you perform best in and suggest new markets to try. But maybe you know that a particular word is core to their business. You can search for that in our Keywords.
Put in any company URL and find replicas instantly!
Connect your Hubspot, Pipedrive or Salesforce account to pull real-time data of your best and latest customers to find their lookalikes.
Does your ICP have a particular skill or term that describes what they do? Now you can use it to find more customers like that.
increase in prospects per month
hours saved per month on lead generation
Book more meetings
Book more meetings
Do your prospecting on-the-go with our Chrome Extension and add companies and contacts to lists as work. You can also build your own target Personas so that when you find some good-fit companies, you know exactly who to target.
Do your prospecting on-the-go with our Chrome Extension and add companies and contacts to lists as work. You can also build your own target Personas so that when you find some good-fit companies, you know exactly who to target.
Easily access all the data you need with our Chrome Extension. Add prospects to existing lists and see make every minute count.
Often adding the same filters? Build a persona that matches your ideal ICPs to increase your effiiciency in prospecting.
Close. All. The. Deals.
Close. All. The. Deals.
Double your demo rate and meetings booked with our unique lookalike company search and filters, and verified emails.
Double your demo rate and meetings booked with our unique lookalike company search and filters, and verified emails.
All you need is a company name or URL to find their twins around the world.
Stop sending emails to accounts that no longer exist. With up to 99% success rate you can be sure your emails will always find your target's inbox.
Choose from 19 different filters to help prioritize and personalize your prospecting. From location and employee numbers to ecommerce sites and app developers, now you can target only those that matter.
Just take the titles and people you need. Or maybe you want to build a persona that does this for you everytime instead? Reaching the right people couldn't be easier.
demos in the first week
increase in close rate
Customer case
Customer case
Digiply closed their biggest client ever in only 10 days with Ocean
Digiply closed their biggest client ever in only 10 days with Ocean
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Proven sales tactics and tips to help you close more deals.
Proven sales tactics and tips to help you close more deals.
Best B2B Sales Tools
The business landscape is hyper-competitive, and B2B (business-to-business) sales...
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Sales emails are a powerful tool as a B2B outreach strategy. Here we will outline the effectiveness...
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Intent data is a tool that tracks and analyzes online activities and behaviors of individuals...
Read blog Want to find lookalikes of your best customers?
Want to find lookalikes of your best customers?
All we need is a URL and a few minutes of your time.
Start now All we need is a URL and a few minutes of your time.
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GDPR compliant